

permaculture in the west bank

found this article...
remarkable story in many ways -- inspiring to think of the political + social ramifications of permaculture/sustainability and the global movement around it. also humbling to see how long it takes to build something.


garden update

Paul came up with some new seedlings and we replanted this weekend... and then had another frost. Lots of peppers, eggplant, more tomatoes, broccoli rabe, and summer squash. We had a ton of seedlings so some things went in a little cramped, but it all survived this latest cold. Tomatoes are in hibernation until the ground warms up which doesn't look like this week. But what little new growth there is looks healthy and green. The peas and beans are sprouting as well as a few cukes (which we supplemented). And a portrait of the sole surviving pepper from the original planting.