

Spring Planting

The garden was a busy on the weekend of May 16 when members of the Denniston Hill board and friends of Denniston Hill came up to plant seedlings and get a jump on the season. Thank you to everyone: Libby Brown, Christian Capurro, Jodie Vicenta Jacobson, Brigitte Landou, John Letourneau, Libby, David Melrose, Paul Pfeiffer, George Pisegna, Joel Rivera, Beth Stryker, Robin Vachal. Photos by Christian Capurro. And many thanks to the Horticultural Society of New York and the Chelsea Garden Center for their generous support of this project.


frost bites

The Denniston Hill Crew was up this weekend to put in the garden. Everything went in and then we had 2 consecutive nights of heavy frost. I was able to cover most of the tomatoes as they had cages to hold up a tarp. The big white canvases had a previous life as swanky Manhattan curtains. Reuse. The rest of the garden didn't do so well. Summer squash is laying flat, eggplants are kneeling and red leaf lettuce and the cukes are drooping bad. We'll see what needs to be replanted once it warms up later. Kara is on her way.