

that other garden

Here's a pic of the front garden. Echinacea, Bee balm, Marigolds and in the foreground, some orange clustered things that were supposed to be something else (mislabled bulbs from Walmart) Anybody recognizes them? We're getting peas and zucchini now in the vegetable garden and the rest is growing fast. I'll post some shots soon.



larry was very concerned that the beans were not growing...
but i think it is just a matter of time.
last year i think i had to replant the bush beans 2 or 3 times and the pole beans for sure 2x, and even then the kentucky pole beans really never came up at all.

summer squash

squash + zucchini about to explode...
this was about a week ago so i'm sure there's some good eating already going on.