rain at last
a lot of rain. two days of it.
good. needed.
a nice break.
going out in the evening wearing brigitte's big gray rain poncho -- come back dry with chard + salad greens for dinner.
today a quick trip to agway for:
stakes for tomato, bean + zucchini beds
red plastic for tomato beds
research for inhibitors for snails.
to do soon:
rotate the compost pile. yum.
this week
i know i have to post some images soon. but i'm hoping suzanne will post the various ones she's taken in the last couple of weeks.
have already planted more arugula and radishes and they are coming up.
we ate our first cucumber of the season.
we will have beets and turnips by the end of the week.
we are closer than ever to erradicating grass from the aisles thanks to lots of elbow grease from john and suzanne this weekend. we've started lining the aisles with plastic and will lay down wood chips -- it's gonna look sweet.
the zucchini is growing and growing and growing. i think they will take over.
we finally transplanted the tomatoes. they are in their beds and we have some starters left over to give to the neighbors. just in time for the temps to drop down to 45 overnight. crazy
josh came by for a garden consultation as he begins to design his seed beds. we sent him off with a fistful of chard, basil and radishes as well as four tomato plants and some marigolds.
what we can expect: lots of pickles this fall.
highlight of the week: purple radishes + planting the tomatoes